Multiple Intelligence Theory is a theory that suggests traditional methods of testing intelligence might be biased to certain types of individuals. The Multiple Intelligence Theory states there are various types of learning that are dependent upon the individual.

The Multiple Intelligence Theory was developed by Howard Gardner, a Harvard Psychologist and Professor of Education, in 1983. The idea behind this theory is that no mind essentially thinks alike, and instead each individual learns and interprets lessons and the world differently.  As a parent or educator, it is important to understand the fundamentals of the Multiple Intelligence Theory and how your child or students may apply. Understanding the Multiple Intelligence Theory is also important because it allows those who are teaching your children or you, as you work with your child's learning track, to understand that  your child or student may learn better in different ways apart from traditional learning.

The Basics of Multiple Intelligence Theory:

The primary principle concept behind the Multiple Intelligence Theory indicates that there are various ways a person can learn information. That is why basic IQ testing methods are irrelevant to people that do not learn through that method. This is often why some students do well with their homework but can't seem to pass standardized testing.  However, most public school systems do not adhere as much to the Multiple Intelligence Theory simply because there are still standardized testing required for all students to pass each glass as well as ultimately graduate high school.

The Multiple Intelligence Theory also covers the idea that just because one person is much better in a certain area like test taking than another student, they are not necessarily the most intelligent of the two individuals. The differences is between the different types of learning means some children or individuals might learn better through a difference approach, or might just excel in other areas. There is also a chance that the person might be looking at the situation from a fundamentally deeper level or over thinking the situation. All of these reasons might indicate that a child is slower than its peers when that really isn't the case. 

The Multiple Intelligence Theory continues to be met with speculation and mixed responses. While the evidence support the practical value of the approaches suggested by the theory, main stream schooling still attempts to educate children with a more traditional method of learning. However, this traditional method might not be the most effective method for a good portion of students. 

However, if you are a parent with concerns about your child's progress in school, it might be a good idea to consider alternative learning styles for your student. Some tutors excel in being able to take a different, nontraditional approach to certain subjects to determine which method of learning might be best for your student. 

According to the Multiple Intelligence Theory, Gardner determined several criteria for behavior to be an intelligence including, potential for brain isolation by brain damage, place in evolutionary history, presence of core operations, susceptibility to encoding like symbolic expression, a distinct developmental progression, the existence of savants, prodigies as well as support from experimental psychology and psychometric findings. 

Also according to the theory, Gardner believed that learning is based on several fundamental principles of interpretation including logical, spatial, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, naturalistic and existential. Based on this, most public schools focus on logical forms of thinking as well as linguistic. However, there are many other basis for learning that a person might need to place their focus on that type of learning to accurately interpret the information and retain it for future use. Because there are several types of learning and knowledge, it is important to figure out which method might be best for your child. If they are struggling in school that does not mean they have a learning disability. Often times, they may just have a different basis for learning than traditional methods. This is also why many individuals will be able to learn some types of information better than others. 
