Language ArtsThere is a lot of confusion when writing between the words insure, ensure and assure. Although, the meanings are similar there is a slight difference. This article explores the definitions and differences of insure, ensure and assure.

When spoken, these two words sound almost identical, and the meaning behind both are also almost the same. For years, the words Insure and Ensure were used interchangeably with no distinct different. However, many writing styles within the English language recognize these as different words with different meanings. 

The current rules surrounding insure vs. ensure can be found in the American Heritage Book of English Usage: "Although ensure and insure are generally interchangeable, only insure is now widely used in American English in the commercial sense of 'to guarantee persons or property against risk."  Ensure, on the other hand, should be used in all other senses of the word especially to 'make certain' or to imply a guarantee. To add even more confusion to the mix. There is also the other very similar word "assure." Insure, ensure and assure all have similar meanings. To assure someone is to imply the removal of doubt and apprehension within that person's mind. 
Here is an example of all three words used in the same sentence to help define the difference between the meanings of assure, ensure and insure.
"I can assure you that we have insured the grounds to ensure that we will be protected in case of a lawsuit if there is an accident." 
Insure: To guarantee against loss or harm. 
Ensure: To secure or guarantee or to make certain.
Assure: To make a promise or convince.
Other Examples: 
"Military service men and women work hard to ensure the safety of the American people."
"I will do everything in my power to ensure this man is brought to justice." 
"We have to make sure and insure our valuables at our new home in case of a fire." 
"Don't worry about the accident. The car is insured." 
"I can assure you that I will not be late for our date tonight." 
"You can rest assured I will not let anything happen to you." 
The best way to remember the difference between the three different yet very similar words and their definitions is that ensure is to "make sure;" insure is used in a commercial sense and assure is to make a promise or waive doubt. 
Sources:, American Heritage Book of English Usage
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